الأحد، 18 يونيو 2017

Causes of facial pills

Sebaceous glands The sebaceous
glands are small skin glands that secrete oily material to soften the skin and hair of mammals, and any error in these glands will cause some problems in the skin such as grain. There are many medical conditions associated with abnormalities of the function of sebaceous glands, including: acne (pimples). Fatty cysts: closed cysts or abscesses under the surface of the skin. Inflation: Fatty glands become wide, producing yellow and shiny on the face. Fatty lipoma: The slow growth hormone (benign), usually appears in the form of nodules may be pink or the same degree of skin. Fatty gland cancer: It is aggressive (cancerous) and known as skin tumors. In the event of any change or relapse, doctors recommend that you treat it immediately to prevent the risk of developing acute acne, and there is also the risk of acute unmanaged acne to clear scars on the skin. Facial pills Facial pills are small lesions or infections in the skin, caused by infection of the sebaceous glands bacteria, which leads to swelling and redness and sometimes filled with white pus. When the sebaceous glands that are located in the base of the hair follicles become overworked, the most vulnerable and vulnerable parts of the body are the face, the back, the chest, and the shoulders. In order to treat the grain, it is necessary to know the reasons for its emergence and to identify it more. Causes of infection There are sebaceous glands that produce oily substance inside the pores of the skin, and the outer layers of the skin is changed and disposed of constantly, but sometimes leave dead skin cells on the skin, which leads to impregnation with the oils, causing clogged pores, and this occlusion often during the period Puberty (the period in which many changes in the bodies of young people to be able to reproduce), during this period, the sebaceous glands continue to produce oils, which leads to the accumulation of large under the clogged pores, and these accumulated oils contain B bacteria, which in turn lead to swelling of the skin and inflammation causing the emergence of grain on the skin. The reasons behind the appearance of the grain on the facial complexion are: puberty. Tension and constant anxiety. Some psychological problems and emotional trauma. Health problems inside the body. Eat some types of foods that irritate the skin and cause allergies. Its symptoms are whiteheads, also known as closed warts, and are small in size and are formed down the skin. The blackheads, which are visible and have a black color and appear on the surface of the skin, and some people think that it is made up of dirt, and strongly rubbing it to remove, but this concept is wrong skin may be damaged while trying to remove. Pimples, and be filled with pus and pink base. The Akadiat, it comes more and with pain when touched, and be deep inside the skin. The cysts, which are clearly visible on the skin, are filled with pus and cause pain, leading to scars.

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