الأحد، 18 يونيو 2017

What are the benefits of rosemary

Rosemary is one of the herbs used in spices in the work of many meals, especially in the areas of the Mediterranean basin, a plant is always present, it must be noted that it contains many elements and vehicles that have countless health benefits, : Caftic acid derivatives, which are the main ingredient of rosemarynic acid, ditirbine, flavonoids, triterpine and pilot oil, and are traditionally used for many therapeutic purposes. This article will present the benefits of rosemary. The benefits of rosemary contain anti-oxidant properties, which protect the body and protect it from free radicals and causing damage to the cells of the body. Prevents blood clotting, through long-term use. Containing anti-bacterial and some fungal effects. Increases the speed of memory for healthy and old people by consuming 750 mg of powdered leaves a day, but it is not advisable to take more, because it may cause weakness in memory. One of the structures in the rosemary herb fights the growth of cancerous tumors by preventing the proliferation of cancer cells. Eating rosemary powder alone or mixing it with turmeric helps prevent breast cancer and colon cancer. Increase the level of hair growth, by massage the scalp with rosemary herb oil with a group of other oils: lavender herb oil, thyme oil, and cedar oil, and therefore useful in cases of hair loss in people with Baldness. Reduces the level of cortisol in the blood, and contribute to reduce the intensity of anxiety, through aromatherapy treatment using rosemary oil. Decreases the heart rate without affecting blood pressure, which is useful in stress situations at the time of exams, through the use of bags of aromatic rosemary oil. Treating cases of indigestion. It expels gases from the abdomen, increases menstrual flow, treats gout, severe headaches, liver and gallbladder problems, relieves dental pain and eczema. Prevents growth of germs that often grow in some foods. Tips for using rosemary herb First, consult your physician before using any herb-based treatment because it may have any side effects, affect your health or may interfere with one of the medicines you are taking. As for rosemary, It is prepared in the form of a tea, a water extract, a water extract in the bath or using its oil by mixing it with a group of other oils. However, its main oil should not be taken directly by mouth. The dose should not exceed 4-6 g Of dried herb daily, and not use it for children.

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