الأحد، 18 يونيو 2017

What is rashes

Is the protection of the skin of the body element, since it prevents the entry into force of fluid into the tissues of the body, it also prevents bacteria and harmful substances into force to the body, as is the protection factor of the sun's rays. The skin is exposed to infection or redness or spots, which is called rash. The majority of people are susceptible to skin rash at any time. It is not a danger to life in most cases. It is a temporary condition. The symptoms of rash may occur in any area. The body may be in a specific area of ​​the body, and may spread to the entire body, due to viral infection mostly, or the result of feeling of something, and here shows the rash Suri Surprise, and the causes of multiple skin rash may be allergic response due to contact with animals, certain types of food, nuts, threaded like, or Walsh Kulath, or fish, or eggs, or berries, or milk. Those foods that may cause the occurrence of skin rashes often, when a rash should stop eating these foods, but some continue taking them meet to satisfy their appetite towards food. Kindle is the result of a bacterial infection, fungal infection, parasitic infection, exposure to insects, exposure to weather conditions, constant exposure to heat, moisture, and irritants. The symptoms of the rash are redness of the skin, itching and dryness. The skin rash causes irritation in the affected person. There are some natural remedies for skin rash. These natural remedies are effective, have no side effects and are not expensive. These include oatmeal Warm water, as well as olive oil can be applied to the affected area to remove the redness and calm it, as can sprinkle a small amount of yeast powder in the hand, and put it on the rash area directly to relieve it, as well as to relieve dry itching. But prevention is always better than treatment, so we have to follow some important guidelines to avoid skin rash and skin care and relieve sweating by wearing soft cotton and loose clothing, avoiding direct sun exposure especially in the afternoon, with a nice atmosphere and good ventilation. Bathing in cold water with soap that does not contain irritants that skin rash usually disappears within a maximum period of ten days, it provided the condition to take care of the skin cool and dry

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